Published Sep 17, 2018
How Did the Top 10 Do?
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Deana King  •  NCPreps

How did the Top 10 teams do this week? Most schools were idle due to a bye week or had the game cancelled/rescheduled due to Hurricane Florence.


1. Tarboro (4-0) - idle

2. Holmes (4-0) - idle

3. Mount Airy (5-0) – won North Surry 41-10

4. Murphy (3-1) - idle

5. East Surry (4-1) – lost West Stokes 26-19

6. North Stanly (2-1) - lost Northwest Cabarrus 28-24

7. Mitchell (4-1) – won Franklin 41-20

8. North Rowan (3-1) - idle

9. Mountain Island Charter (3-1) – idle

10. Pamlico (3-0) - idle


1. Hibriten (5-0) – won Newton-Conover 63-19

2. Reidsville (5-0) – won Magna Vista VA 34-12

3. East Duplin (3-1) - idle

4. Northeastern (3-0) - idle

5. South Granville (4-0) – idle

6. Hendersonville (4-1) – lost Burns 56-55

7. North Davidson (3-1) – won East Davidson 52-0

8. Wallace-Rose Hill (2-2) - idle

9. East Rutherford (5-0) – won Patton 34-7

10. Clinton (2-1) - idle


1. Havelock (4-0) – idle

2. Charlotte Catholic (3-1) – idle

3. Jacksonville (3-0) - idle

4. Crest (3-1) – lost #10 Weddington 31-21

5. Kings Mountain (3-1) – lost Shelby 28-23

6. Sun Valley (4-0) – won Olympic 40-6

7. Hunter Huss (4-0) - idle

8. Southern Nash (4-0) – idle

9. JH Rose (3-1) – idle

10. Weddington (4-0) – won #4 Crest 31-21


1. Mallard Creek (3-0) – won Harding 52-7

2. Hough (4-0) – idle

3. Wake Forest (4-0) - idle

4. Page (4-1) – lost Reagan 14-7

5. Vance (4-0) – won South Meck 42-7

6. Richmond County (3-1) – idle

7. Myers Park (4-0) – idle

8. East Forsyth (4-0) - idle

9. Butler (2-2) – won Providence 42-21

10. West Meck (3-1) – idle
